As a migrant association, which i.a. has been active in the field of participation for more than a decade, we know that careful urban development is of great importance so that all people in society can feel recognized and part of it.
Family centers, self-help initiatives, neighborhood initiatives, district coordination, neighborhood management areas, regional working groups, parents’ participation in schools, round tables and other committees and forums offer people the opportunity to actively contribute to the design of their own living environment.
However, these structures are rarely used by migrant communities, especially so-called third-country nationals. This is on the one hand due to a lack of knowledge of the participation structures of a large part of this group of people, and on the other hand due to the inclusion barriers.
For NARUD e.V., the mutual strengthening of third-country nationals is therefore a special focus. By networking with each other as well as with other socially actives, valuable knowledge can be gained that is needed to help shape the society, the neighborhood or the sports club as a whole. NARUD e.V. is committed to counteracting the massive marginalization that migrants from the Global South experience in Germany. For example, in the support of neighborhood and community networks, in advice and through qualification offers for multipliers from the community so that their perspectives and needs can be more prominent. An important framework for this is the “Strong Networks for Participation and Empowerment” project.
The expertise of the people who have immigrated from African countries plays a key role in this: They know where the willingness and conditions to participate still need to be improved, and their migration experience has given them a high level of intercultural competence.