NARUD e.V. stands for “Network African Rural and Urban Development” and is a migrant-diasporic organization that has been active since 2005. The board and management are made up entirely of migrants from African countries. Full-time and voluntary employees as well as supporters come from different parts of the world, including Germany.
The main goals of the association in relation to Germany, especially Berlin, are the promotion and self-empowerment of people in the African-migrant communities, the mediation of cultural values of African societies, the coming to terms with the colonial past and colonial continuities, as well as the opening of civil society to the intercultural Dialog.
Accordingly, NARUD e.V. is actively involved against racism, for example in the network of Berlin registries, as a co-organizer in
Bündnis Zusammen gegen Rassismus – Wedding & Moabit, im Landesnetzwerk Afrikanischer Vereine – LAV and in Bündnis Decolonize Berlin, in EPIZ-Bildungsnetzwerk Eine Welt, in Berliner Entwicklungspolitischen Ratschlag / Einweltstadt Berlin – BER, MoveGLOBAL and in Bündnis für Entwicklungspolitik mit Afrika e.V. – BEA at the federal level.
Our activities in Africa focus on health, education, vocational professionalization, infrastructure and strengthening civil society, with a focus on supporting particularly marginalized sections of the population. We always aim to activate and use endogenous potential.
The range of activities of NARUD e.V. can be divided into four areas: anti-discrimination work, participation of people with migration experience, development education and development cooperation.